
The current idea of this blog is to review movies. You can also vote on the poll if you would like to do so. So, have fun.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

"So long and thanks for all the fish." This is the Dolphins final message before they leave planet earth. Why? Because a Vogon constructor fleet is building an interspace highway - and earth just happens to be in the way. Luckily for Arthur Dent, his friend, Ford Prefect, is actually from another planet, and through his knowledge manages to hitch a ride. However, both are soon kicked out of the Vogon spaceship (Vogons HATE hitchhikers) - into space, where they are picked up by another ship (against all odds) before they die. This ship has three inhabitants - Zaphod Beeblebrox, president of the Galaxy, kidnapped by himself, and now on a quest to find the answer. THE answer. To life. The universe. Everything. As start, he needs to find the legendary planet of Magrathea. Oh, and Zaphod is also Fords semi-demi-half-brother - they share three of the same mothers. Also aboard the ship: Marvin, a depressed robot, and Trisha/Trilian, a woman who Arthur Dent met at a dress party, and totally blew it with. This crazy cast strives to accomplish their quest, while avoiding Vogins, getting revenge for enemy political campaigns (don't vote for stupid), and trying to figure out what is really going on.

Hitchhikers guide is a full-out comedy - random ideas, little plotline, and lots of laughs. Whenever something good happens, Marvin is there to tell you. If something bed happens (say for instance two thermo-nuclear missiles are being fired at you) the optimistic board computer is always glad to announce. And throughout the movie, the book of  "The Hitchhiker guide to the Galaxy" is there to explain with short animations.

This movie is mostly directed at teens - too little sense for grown-ups, and too big diction for little kids.


  1. Best movie/book series EVA!!!Jaja no seriously I LOVE the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy :D

  2. VERY GOOD CHOICE OF MOVIE! agreed with Candy panda.

  3. Personally I think your blog looks great. Maybe it's time to take off the disclaimer at the top. (Besides the pinball game is gone now, and in its place are some posts and links to other blogs, plus a poll.)
